Annuaire de référence des Régions, Départements et communes de France.


Let’s discover the commune of Saint-Matré, located in the departement of Lot. It is situated at the south of the Aubrac region and in the center of the Pays de la Truyère at 518 m of altitude.

The commune of Saint-Matré is created in 1789 and attached to the canton of Sévérac l’Eglise. The village has around 200 habitants that are called Matrétains et Matrétaines and is the ideal place to enjoying nature’s beauties.

Saint-Matré has a town hall, located at Place de la Mairie de Saint-Matré,46500 Saint-Matré. The opening hours are from Monday to Thursday from 8.00 am to 12.00am and from 2:00 pm to 5:30 pm. The website of the mairie is where you can find everything about the commune and contact the Institutions.

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